Our world is constantly changing in population composition and structure. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 1 in 6 people globally will be aged 60 and over by 2030, and by 2050, the world’s population of people aged 60 and above will double ( about 2.1 billion people). This impending demographic shift will certainly unmask major problems, persuading us to answer the question: Are healthcare systems prepared to handle this increasing ageing population?
It is no news that the older we get, the greater the risks of chronic conditions, and subsequently, the increased need for health care resources. For instance, Canadians over the age of 65 consume more than 40% of provincial healthcare budgets. These figures remain similar across countries globally.
Ageing, at the cellular level, is a result of the accumulation of damage to cells over a period of time. There is a distinction between healthy ageing and pathological ageing. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) defines healthy ageing as “the process of optimising opportunities for physical, social and mental health to enable seniors take an active part in society without discrimination and to enjoy independence and quality of life.” Pathological ageing, however, is an increase in diseases and chronic conditions, since the elderly population is predisposed to several health challenges.
There is a public health lapse in handling these chronic conditions as there are limited access to caregivers, social workers, legal and social welfare systems specific for older people. More so, health institutions are mostly over-burdened or under-funded to take on this responsibility. Major chronic conditions associated with ageing include:
- Psychological/ cognitive issues like Dementia and Depression
- Increase risk of Falls
- Incontinence
- Limited mobility
- Hypertension
- Cancer
- Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
- Hearing, walking and vision problems
- Multiple sensory loss and reduced immunity
Given these many health problems, and the resulting increase in the utilisation of healthcare resources by the ageing population, the elderly could wrongly be perceived as a burden to the society. These ageism attitudes or perceptions about the elderly could lead to abuse, neglect or discrimination and should be discouraged appropriately. To this effect, WHO’s initiative, “The Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030) “ seeks to reduce health inequities and improve the lives of older people, their families and communities through collective action in changing how we think, feel and act towards the elderly. Additionally, this initiative aims to develop communities in ways that foster the abilities of older people to access to quality long-term care.
Public health experts believe that more expensive and intensive care may not be sustainable and there needs to be focus on effective strategies to improve seniors health. The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) advises that investments should be made in programs that support or promote healthy living such as access to initiatives that improve physical activity, injury prevention, mental health and nutrition, education, and early screening. CMA also recommends investments to improve comprehensive continuum of care, restructure welfare plans and develop age friendly environment.
Effecting these policies that address the public health issue of ageing, will result in minimal disease and disability, high cognitive and physical functioning, and meaningful engagement in life.
We contribute to caring for the elderly by supporting BlessWorld Foundation international to develop initiatives that support the elderly.
After all, we all get old!
Monkey pox is a an ongoing disease outbreak which was initially confirmed in May 2022. The first cluster of cases were identified in the United Kingdom, and the first case was confirmed on the 6th of May, in an individual who had recently travelled to Nigeria.
What is this virus? How did this virus come about? How is it transmitted? What symptoms and signs should I watch out for? Who is at risk? What can I do to prevent infection?
The monkeypox disease is a viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus, a type of pox virus closely related with smallpox virus. It is primarily a zoonotic disease since rope squirrels, tree squirrels, Gambian pouched rats, dormice, non-human primates and other species are hosts for the virus. The origin of the virus ties in well with the history of vaccines. Like most great discoveries, the discovery of vaccines was a combination of accident and impressive observation. It was in the early times when the first smallpox outbreaks started; then Edward Jenner found out that people who suffered from cowpox were either protected from smallpox infection or experienced less significant symptoms. He then injected people with cowpox virus to prevent them from infection with smallpox virus; it was crude but it worked!
With the elimination of smallpox in most countries by 1980s, the reduction in vaccination efforts is what led to the emergence of the monkeypox virus. However, it was not a global health problem as it was localised in west and central Africa. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa occurred. The outbreak began in the United States of America and was linked to contact with infected pet prairie dogs. These pets had been housed with Gambian pouched rats and dormice that had been imported into the country from Ghana. There have been many cases in the American and European region linked to travellers coming from African countries. In May 2022, multiple cases of monkeypox were identified in several non-endemic countries like the United Kingdom, Spain and Canada.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has consequently tagged this outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern because cases of monkeypox have been reported in 93 Member States across all 6 WHO regions. As of August 17 2022, a total of 37,736 laboratory confirmed cases and 179 probable cases, including 12 deaths, have been reported.
There are many routes of transmission of the monkey pox virus. In places that have host animals, infection can occur by direct contact with the blood, bodily fluids and cutaneous or mucosal lesions of infected animals. Similar to Smallpox, Human-to-human transmission can result from close contact with respiratory secretions, skin lesions of an infected person or recently contaminated things like a mother’s placenta. When infected, the incubation period of the virus is highly variable but generally ranges from 5 to 21 days. Clinical presentations are similar to flu but more intense, in addition, specific features such as lymphadenopathy and painful skin eruptions characterise monkeypox disease. The appearance of the skin eruptions is highly variable depending on the skin, complexion, severity of infection, age etc. They generally appear as bumps, then evolve to a volcano-looking erosion of the skin which crusts with time.
Monkey pox is a self limiting disease, and complications such as secondary infections, bronchopneumonia, sepsis, encephalitis, and infection of the cornea with ensuing loss of vision can occur. There is also risk of more severe infection in younger children and immunocompromised individuals particularly people living with HIV/AIDS, men who have sex with men, health workers and immune-compromised individuals. Although there are no specific treatments for monkeypox virus infection, anti-viral drugs used to protect against smallpox may be effective in treating or preventing monkeypox due to the genetic similarity of the two viruses.
Prevention begins with an understanding of the monkeypox disease, and that is the aim of this article. It is also important to cut down on any links to human transmission whether from animals, humans or infected objects. This would involve avoiding rodent meat or cooking meat properly before consumption and wearing masks when necessary. The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) recommend the following:
- Stay at home and isolate if you suspect symptoms
- Maintain good hand hygiene
- Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces
- Practice safe sex
- Prevent travel to high risk countries
Domestic violence is prevalent in every part of the world irrespective of race, class, religion, gender, education and status of the relationship. Globally, approximately one-third of women experience, or have experienced a form of domestic violence at some point in their relationship. Reports on domestic violence show that women are disproportionately affected- four times more likely to be abused in intimate relationships, compared to men. In 2018, analysis of prevalence data from 161 countries revealed that worldwide, nearly 30% of women have been subjected to a form of violence by an intimate. This research was conducted by World Health Organization on behalf of the United Nations Interagency working group on violence against women.
Domestic violence is an umbrella term used to describe patterns of behaviors and attitudes that aim to obtain and exert control, instill fear, demonstrate power and maintain some form of superiority over one’s partner in intimate relationships. Sometimes, the term domestic violence is referred to as domestic abuse or intimate partner violence, according to the United Nations. These forms of Violence or abuse come in various shapes including physical, sexual, emotional, financial, psychological and discriminatory actions or threats. Perpetuators of domestic violence are selfish and wicked, intending to make their victims fearful, intimidated and easy to manipulate. They believe that by hurting, blaming, terrorizing and injuring their victims, they can have a relationship on their own terms.
Below are some examples of behaviors and signs that may be classified as domestic abuse:
• Intimidation and threats
• Excessive monitoring
• No respect for boundaries
• Rough handling such as hitting etc. Sexual
• Pressure for sex
• Life-threatening sexual adventures
• Nonconsensual sex or rape
• Public embarrassment
• Blaming the victim
• Hurtful and mean words Financial
• Perpetuates dependence
• Obtains money by manipulation
• Controls expenditure
• Downgrading accomplishments
• Undermining someone’s worth
• Feeling trapped in the relationship Discriminatory
• Insults based on physical features
• Citing uniqueness as fault
It is important to understand that anyone can be abused, and it is never a victim’s fault. Please report any sign of domestic violence to the appropriate authorities. It is also ur responsibility to help people experiencing domestic violence as some of the are either too afraid or too dependent on the abuser.
A balanced food supply which provides adequate nutrition is essential to health, particularly in response to Covid-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) advocates optimum nutrition, in addition to social distancing, use of face masks and proper hand washing, as way to delay or prevent Covid-19 infection. WHO has also released food safety guidance for governments, food businesses, health workers and the general public in order to maintain good health and prevent malnutrition and immunodeficiency. To effectively combat any infection, it is important to attain and maintain good nutritional status. Therefore, one of the aims of a proper diet is to ensure that the body is in perfect condition to fight infections. Nutritional status of individuals contribute to their overall immune resilience even though it may be affected by age, sex, health status, life style and medications.
The words of Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” shows that for over 2500 years, food and nutrition have been recognized as important denominators of health and wellness. Good nutrition and dietary nutrient intake impact the immune system through gene expression, cell activation, and signaling molecules modification. More so, various dietary nutrients are determinants of gut microbial composition which shape immune responses. Adequate intake of essential minerals and vitamins remain essential for the maintenance of immune function.
Self-isolation, lockdown, and social distancing remain effective measures to flatten the curve of Covid-19 infection; however, they lead to remarkable challenges in eating patterns, sleeping habits, and physical activity. As a consequence, sedentary behaviors that affect mental and physical health, increase and may result in a heightened risk of obesity. Fear and anxiety may also cause changes in dietary habits resulting in unhealthy dietary patterns and less desire to eat nutritious foods. Although there is currently no evidence that any nutrient can treat or completely prevent any viral infection, a balanced diet will guarantee a strong immune system that can help withstand infection. The following are some professional dietary recommendations :
- Daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Whole grains and nuts intake
- Animal and plant proteins consumption
- Avoid irregular snacking.
- Do not overcook vegetables as it leads to the loss of important nutrients
- Prepare and serve food at acceptable temperatures (≥72°C for 2 mins).
- Limit the salt intake to 5g daily
- Consume unsaturated fats rather than saturated fats
- Drink about 10 glasses of water daily
- Avoid, carbonated, concentrated juices, and all drinks which contain sugar.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle of exercise, meditation, and regular sleep
- Eat at home to avoid contact with other people
It is important to note that Covid-19 does not see or treat everyone the same way. Malnourished people who have weaker immunity may be at higher risk of severe illness from the virus. Concurrently, poor metabolic health and chronic diseases including obesity and diabetes, have been associated with worse Covid-19 outcomes, including risk of hospitalization and death. Good nutrition and nutritional resilience are key elements of the body’s defense and society’s readiness to combat this global challenge. Focusing on nutritional well-being increases opportunities for creating synergies between public health and health determinants, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Optimal nutrition and dietary nutrient consumption impacts the immune system significantly; consequently, strengthening the immune system provides a feasible and sustainable way to survive Covid-19 since it has no specific treatment.
As always, BlessWorld foundation- like many non-profit organizations, continues to support her community in order to manage the virus and flatten the pandemic curve. Most recently is the 2020 Cradle2fame talent show aimed to empower the youth through healthy competitions to win prizes. These monetary prices can help these youths afford healthy nutritious food and overcome the challenge of dood insecurity due to increased cost.
Despite being a fatal pandemic and a source of sorrow to many people across the globe, Covid-19 availed, and still avails many organizations the opportunity to demonstrate and fulfill their aims, objectives and goals. One of such organizations is BlessWorld Foundation, whose vision and mission statement is ‘Affecting the world through Health”. Like many non-profit organization, BlessWorld Foundation proactively seeks for funds, manpower and ways to serve the community in different capacities.The overall goal is to promote health by inspiring positive behavior change and empowering people. Therefore, it is safe to say that the pandemic presents a pedestal to express our core values which includes service, compassion, commitment, respect, innovation and ethics. This further buttresses the point that the need for charity is borne out of, problems, diseases and the shortcomings of an imperfectly uncertain world.
Non-profit organizations rely essentially on volunteers and donations to fund their cause- therefore, it remains a constant challenge to prompt and inspire people to support and come through either in cash or kind. Many companies suffered some form of setback due to COVID 19 and this led to laying-off staff, closing a few offices or outlets and even shutting down completely for some. However, non-profit organizations could not afford to lay-off staff or shut down as the purpose of their existence lies completely in periods when service is needed and help is lacking. At such, BlessWorld foundation continues to meet with her mandate in the following ways:
Employment provision
The increase in need of service has created a surge in the need of workers. As a consequence, existing workers and new workers are constantly needed to meet the growing needs of the community and for services to be provided accordingly. BlessWorld foundation meets this demand by recruiting new staff and training existing ones whenever necessary.
Poverty alleviation
Programs such as Cradle2Fame remain a major form of poverty alleviation and community development. Here, youths are given the opportunity to showcase their talents for a price- this healthy competition inspires purpose and makes dreams come true. Awards such as millions of cash prices and other gifts are up for grabs- more so; participants experience a journey of self-discovery and positive mental attitude. In addition, raffle draw tickets which provides an opportunity for any random person to luckily and instantly double their cash is a great source of help to many.
Capacity building
Capacity building is a by-product of employment provision and poverty alleviation. It includes the ways that we as an organization collect, use, improve and retain information, tools and skills required for competent service provision. By hiring highly qualified staff and updating their skills through training, BlessWorld foundation equips herself for competence and excellence in service provision. Furthermore, our innovative Cradle2fame program remains an excellent form of empowerment and capacity building to the youth and community respectively. This is especially necessary in these difficult times of COVID 19 pandemic.
Energy drinks are those
beverages that boost or accelerate physical and mental performance. They are
functional beverages that are formulated and enjoyed by a range of people
especially those in need of additional mental and physical stimulation for a
short period of time. Second to multivitamins, energy drinks are the most
popular dietary supplement consumed worldwide particularly by teens and young
adults since they are widely promoted as products that increase energy and enhance
mental alertness and physical performance. Due to their function, energy drinks
contain some stimulants, the most common being Caffeine. Other stimulants
contained in some brands of energy drinks include guarana and ginseng which are
plant-based stimulants. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA), the quantity of caffeine in one energy drink
can range from 80mg- which is similar to the amount in one cup of coffee, to over
500mg. Energy drinks also contain high amounts of sugar, usually about 30grams
in a 250 ml bottle or can.
studies have reported that energy drinks have negative health effects and consequences.
More specifically, a 2013 study reported by Medical News Today, found that energy
drinks alter the heart function of healthy adults. Additionally, another study found
an association between energy drink consumption and other unhealthy behaviors,
such as smoking.
Irrespective of the
specific contents of energy drinks, they are generally not recommended for
children, pregnant or breastfeeding women and people who are sensitive to
caffeine. Energy drinks begin to act once caffeine is absorbed into the
bloodstream. This happens within 10 minutes of consumption and this causes a
rise in heart rate and blood pressure. Afterward, the level of caffeine in the
blood stream peaks within an hour resulting in increased alertness and improved
The negative effects of
energy drinks are based on the fact that caffeine is a sly drug that temporarily
blocks adenosine pathways. Adenosine is important because it is the chemical that
communicates ones level of tiredness to the brain. As caffeine levels increase,
it triggers the increased release of dopamine- the ‘feel good’ molecules in the
brain. Consequently, the individual feels more alert and better about him/herself.
However, caffeine withdrawal which causes headaches and tiredness can occur
about 20 hours after consumption. In addition, the liver soaks up more sugar in
response to energy drinks which is unhealthy.
It is noteworthy that in 2014, World Health Organization branded energy
drinks a “danger to public health,” following the discovery that consuming
such drinks increased.
Helping communities by providing programs and services specific to their needs.
Building partnerships and collaborating with communities, organizations and all levels of government to work on various projects.
Promoting health by educating, engaging, and empowering individuals and communities to make positive decisions about their health.
Providing health information and updates through our website blogs, articles, youtube and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat.
Conducting and supporting research to inform health policies.
Making evidence-based recommendations on health and health-related topics.