Global Health and International Aid
Broadly speaking, aid is any assistance offered to an individual, group, organization or country by another. When aid crosses borders, from one country, organization or multilateral institution, to another, it becomes international aid- assistance offered on an international level, usually to countries in need. In most cases, aid is provided as funds which serve as official developmental assistance (ODA), typically targeted towards poverty reduction, public welfare and economic development. Some international organizations that offer significant aid include United States Agency for International Development (USAID), World Food Programme (WFP), , the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN). In addition to international organizations, countries such as the United States of America and Canada have a reputation for providing international aid.
International aid is a worthy cause that has saved millions of lives over the years. USAID alone, which is essentially in charge of administering civilian international aid in the United States, saves more than 3 million lives each year through immunization programs. Additionally, over 850,000 people are educated about HIV while up to 40,000 have been trained to protect their countries through USAID. WFP offers unique technical assistance and capacity development to countries by responding to gaps, identified through an extensive assessment, to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition by 2030. WFP assists 80 million people in 80 countries yearly, being the leading humanitarian organization which fights worldwide hunger by delivering food support in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and foster resilience.
WHO, as a public health giant, aims to build a healthier future for people in all nations of the world. Located in over 150 countries, WHO staff work with national governments and several other partners to provide different types of resources and ensure the highest attainable level of health for all people. Millennium development gaols (MDGs) represent WHO’s commitment to making the world a healthier place through international aid. The UN, through the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), aims to achieve international co-operation by solving international problems of economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian nature. The first aid offered by the UN was to help rebuild Europe, after Second World War which left the continent devastated. This shows that international aid, and aid In general, is not only for developing countries but for any country needing support. The international community now relies on the UN to coordinate humanitarian relief operations caused by natural and man-made disasters, beyond the capacity of national repair.
Despite being a huge part, as clearly seen in the preceding paragraphs, money is not the only component of international aid. Aid is not just a matter of handing out funds and resources to people and countries that need it. It is a statement of oneness and unity in the world, it constitutes a commitment and an effort to sincerely help in restructuring sectors and countries in need of support and assistance.