Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is prevalent in every part of the world irrespective of race, class, religion, gender, education and status of the relationship. Globally, approximately one-third of women experience, or have experienced a form of domestic violence at some point in their relationship. Reports on domestic violence show that women are disproportionately affected- four times more likely to be abused in intimate relationships, compared to men. In 2018, analysis of prevalence data from 161 countries revealed that worldwide, nearly 30% of women have been subjected to a form of violence by an intimate. This research was conducted by World Health Organization on behalf of the United Nations Interagency working group on violence against women.
Domestic violence is an umbrella term used to describe patterns of behaviors and attitudes that aim to obtain and exert control, instill fear, demonstrate power and maintain some form of superiority over one’s partner in intimate relationships. Sometimes, the term domestic violence is referred to as domestic abuse or intimate partner violence, according to the United Nations. These forms of Violence or abuse come in various shapes including physical, sexual, emotional, financial, psychological and discriminatory actions or threats. Perpetuators of domestic violence are selfish and wicked, intending to make their victims fearful, intimidated and easy to manipulate. They believe that by hurting, blaming, terrorizing and injuring their victims, they can have a relationship on their own terms.
Below are some examples of behaviors and signs that may be classified as domestic abuse:
• Intimidation and threats
• Excessive monitoring
• No respect for boundaries
• Rough handling such as hitting etc. Sexual
• Pressure for sex
• Life-threatening sexual adventures
• Nonconsensual sex or rape
• Public embarrassment
• Blaming the victim
• Hurtful and mean words Financial
• Perpetuates dependence
• Obtains money by manipulation
• Controls expenditure
• Downgrading accomplishments
• Undermining someone’s worth
• Feeling trapped in the relationship Discriminatory
• Insults based on physical features
• Citing uniqueness as fault
It is important to understand that anyone can be abused, and it is never a victim’s fault. Please report any sign of domestic violence to the appropriate authorities. It is also ur responsibility to help people experiencing domestic violence as some of the are either too afraid or too dependent on the abuser.