BlessWorld Foundation International

Affecting the World Through Health
A Global Health Initiative




The past few months have got everyone talking about the corona virus disease, COVID-19, caused by SARS-COV2 a novel type of corona virus similar to the ones that caused the SARS and MERS outbreaks in 2002 and 2012 respectively. With over 88,900 recorded cases and 2,900 deaths worldwide as of today, it has been placed as an international public health alert and emergency by the WHO. Although most of the cases started in China, the incidence rate in China has been dropping recently while spread to other countries like Iran, Italy, France and more recently , the US have been on the increase. Despite the relatively lower case mortality ratio when compared to other viral diseases like Ebola and Rabies, COVID-19 is a serious problem to the world because of the lack of vaccine or antiviral agent and more importantly, the ease of spread (which is common to many respiratory illnesses). Certainly, nothing is easier than spread via respiratory droplets whether it’s by coughing, wheezing and sneezing. There may also be other means of spread; however, these routes have not been confirmed. In general, not much is known about this nouvelle virus but more information will be unveiled with time. When infected by the virus, the person may be asymptomatic or present with the following unspecific symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Dry cough

Others may develop aches, pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhoea which are mild and begin gradually. Most cases resolve without any intervention but some people run the risk of developing very severe respiratory disease like pneumonia and consequently die. The population most vulnerable and with the highest risk of falling sick include:

  • Elderly (those above 65 years)
  • Those with co-morbid medical problems like hypertension and diabetes
  • People with compromised immunity

It is paramount to follow the following tips to stay safe:

  • Regular hand washing with soap and water or alcohol based hand sanitizers
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with hands
  • Maintain at least 6-meter distance from anybody especially people who are sick- coughing and sneezing
  • Avoid going to overcrowded areas
  • Keep yourself up to date with recent COVID-19 news
  • Follow new health tips and avoid unnecessary travel especially international travel if possible

Report to health authority if you notice the above symptoms

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