Health and Technology
Technology is the science of creating, applying and using devices, machines and techniques for productive purposes, processing actions and extracting materials. It is a widely used term which means different things to different people and has proven to be a never ending adventure for man. Technology has transformed from the mere manufacturing of automobiles needed to speed up transportation to the creation of diverse kinds of social networking platforms that aid man’s deep craving for a sense of belonging. When technology is applied or used in health, it is referred to as health technology. According to World Health Organization (WHO), health technology is defined as the application and use of organized knowledge and expertise for the creation and development of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems in order to solve health problems and improve the quality of life.
The relationship between health and technology is complex, and can be positive or negative. As suggestive of WHO’s definition, technology positively influences health and healthcare in various ways. For example; computers, electronic health records and other gadgets which are used in hospitals and for storing patients’ medical records greatly improve work and care efficiency as well as the safety, quick access to, and sharing of medical information. Secondly, the advent of sophisticated medical machines, devices, technology-assisted interventions and medicines facilitate the treatment of several health conditions and recovery of many patients. Additionally, the internet presents a platform where people easily access medical information and see health trends while mobile phone make communication between health care professionals and their patients’ faster.
Despite the much progress made in health through technology, human health has remained a victim of technology. According to an article by digital responsibility, excessive attachment to the tools of technology can result to psychological issues like distraction, narcissism, expectation of instant gratification, and even depression. The author explained how dependence on the seemingly harmless proceeds of technology can make an individual’s mind become a pool of imaginations, battle field and gross discontentment. This is very true because a survey which was recently carried out on young African students, showed that most of the students who had considerably comfortable lives became quite discontent about their lives and status after they had seen the sheer display of flamboyance in the lives of fellow students. Furthermore, a study from the University of Illinois found an association between technology addiction and anxiety or depression in college-age students.5 This association was not present in students who used technology less frequently.
Regrettably, technology also affects our physical health negatively through exposure to electromagnetic waves from mobile phones, x-rays from scans, excessive light from television and device screens, loud noises from turbines, vibrations from subway trains, chemicals from battery, oil spillage from refineries, emissions from nuclear weapons and through the inhalation of polluted air released into the environment by automobiles. There is also an increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity due to the sedentary lifestyles and reduced physical activity associated with technology.
In conclusion, technology is a beautiful aspect of life which is not intended to deteriorate health, yet it almost always does. Therefore, we owe it to ourselves to take control of our lives- choices and actions so as to ensure that the very tools meant to help us are not unfortunately harming us.